affiliated groups

Becoming a CLAS Affiliated Group offers various advantages that not only provide financial security but also enhance visibility and networking opportunities within the CLAS community.

affiliated group benefits

Becoming a CLAS Affiliated Group brings several benefits:

  • Public Liability Insurance (PLI) for UK local groups (Type A fee only) at an attractive premium.
  • Free inclusion in CLASnews for your major activities.
  • Preferential allocation of table space at CLAS Affiliated Events.

Members of a CLAS Affiliated Group who aren’t fully paid-up individual members of CLAS lack voting rights at CLAS Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings. They may attend as guests of a fully paid-up individual member but cannot participate in the meetings’ business. An Affiliated Group may appoint a committee member to attend, participate, and cast one vote on its behalf.

image courtesy of Ally Trelfer from 2017 Regional Day 

types of affiliated group membership

Type A

Affiliation of £40* plus public liability insurance of £57.91** for £5M cover

Type B

Affiliation of £40* without public liability insurance

Micro Group A (12 members or less)

Affiliation of £20* plus public liability insurance of £60** for £5M cover

Micro Group B (12 members or less)

Affiliation of £20* without public liability insurance

* £20 if 50% or more of your members belong to CLAS (£10 if you are a Micro Group)
** This fee is calculated annually

The affiliation fee is valid from 1 October to 30 September, with renewals due in October. Note that this fee is reduced for groups joining partway through the year (from April to September).

affiliated group application

If you are interested in becoming an affiliated group, please email with the following information:

  • the name of your Local UK Group
  • the name, position, email address & address of the contact for affiliation matters
  • the type of cover your group requires (Type A includes PLI, Type B does not)

Groups applying for Type A will be sent a summary of cover when renewing.

why your group should have PLI

Public Liability Insurance will protect a group, including its officers, from the possibility of responsibility for damages in the event of a personal injury to someone attending a group event.

The policies typically

indemnify the insured against legal liability to pay compensation and claimants costs and expenses in respect of

a) accidental injury to any person

b) loss of or damage to material property.

The PLI cover operates in the UK at any venue that the group uses. The “material property” referred to above is not that which belongs to the group but, for example, that of the meeting place e.g. furniture and fittings. Many halls now include a clause in their hiring Terms and Conditions stating that the hirer must have their own Public Liability Insurance. The hall’s own insurance does not provide cover for the hirers. To cover the group’s property, a separate policy would be required, with a high minimum premium. However, items used at meetings are often members’ property and may be covered by the owner’s all risks policy.

CLAS has Public Liability Insurance which provides cover at all CLAS events in the UK. CLAS has arranged £5M cover for UK Affiliated Groups for an annual premium per group which is considerably less than an individual group could obtain.

To take advantage of this your group needs to affiliate to CLAS. So don’t delay and join the local UK groups currently affiliated to CLAS with PLI cover.

contact us

Get in touch with the CLAS! Whether you’re an enthusiast, artist, or simply curious, we’re here to celebrate the beauty of calligraphy and lettering together.